Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pigeon Light

I love happy little details.  I found this pigeon light a couple of years ago and then could not locate where
I had found it.  Thanks to a client I now have a link to 
where it can be purchased.  Maybe $125 is too much for such a small item but I would scrimp on a couple of other things in a room that needed a little happy detail.

I much prefer the splurge and scrimp method to the everything mediocre method of design.  If you want your space to look and feel like a million bucks follow this rule.  Spend where needed and save where you can. So in other words buy that $1500 chair and find a dining table second hand for $150.

If you like this pigeon light as much as I it can be purchased at:

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Take the Medicine!!

I hate to have to be pushy with this message but "take the medicine prescribed!"

  When sick- somewhat or acutely, and you go to the doctor you are usually given advice and a prescription.  If you alter the dose, don't take it or mix it with other med's you may either not get better or may even get worse.  

   I have many years of experience and when I am hired for a project I give my best advice tailored to the client,  the space, the budget etc.  I put my heart into each project.  My final plan is my prescription.  I do practice "alternative medicine" so not every plan is the same.  However once again I find that the client goes to the electrician or contractor they alter the prescription.... why???  The prescription is altered based on a lack of knowledge or understanding of why it was prescribed to begin with!   

  Please take the "medicine" as prescribed.  You will get better - in fact better than you could have imagined and that is the point.  You don't know what you are missing when you don't follow through and trust your hired professional!!

   Be brave! 

Sunday, August 23, 2009

HGTV Design Star

Okay is it just me or is the bar set really low on HGTV's Design Star???  I hate to be critical of other designers because design is so subjective but I thought all of the rooms were pretty bad.  Do they not get enough time?   I wish they would ad some so we could see what might be possible.  How can they give a carpenter to help that is so slow???
 If I had to pick my fav I would probably choose Lonnie & Antonio.   Antonio's lacked real punch though it came close.  Lonnie's was probably just not fully finished.  

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I have never been much of an athlete but for the past several years I have been doing Pilates. If you have never tried Pilates I highly recommend it.  I never thought you could get a work out and feel totally relaxed , refreshed and strong afterwards.  In my early 30's I began waking up creaky and stiff.  The doc said it was early arthritis... oh joy!   However as long as I continue with the Pilates all is smooth - no creaks!   I think I may even have a six-pack underneath a couple of skin layers !

I follow Jennifer Kries "The Method" dvd...

Here is a link... TRY IT!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Design Change

Looking to make a change at home?  It is hard for most of us to see what our homes or even ourselves look like.  When we do it is not always accurate.  We get used to things that are not all that they could be.  For example:  our furnishings, paint colors, hair dye/cut ,  how much make-up we wear, clothing... you get the idea.  Get advice from someone you trust and take as much as the advice as you can!   They are probably right.  

I love Room & Board Furniture store... If you haven't been, check it out!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Paint colors

So if you hire a designer make sure the designer is going to create a space that is a reflection of you , that is not to say that the designer will not put their fingerprint on the design nor to say that your boundaries will not be stretched.  But if you have him or her choose paint colors for you - Go for it and paint the colors chosen.  Hiring a designer means letting go of much control in exchange for something you would never have imagined.  When my clients say I love it and I never would have thought to do this or that , I have done my job! 

Changing one thing will affect everything else in your space.  Design has much to do with balance.  I hate having to work with one of my arms tied behind my back.  

On a lighter note-  Last nights episode of "Flipping Out"  - I love when Jeff said.... "he asked you out for salad??"    TOO funny!   

Lighting is functional art... here is a great piece!

Be Brave with your decor - Life's too short!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Design process and working with others


I would like to do design triage in my spare time so I am looking for people to post photos and design dilemmas for me and maybe you to give ideas to.  If you find a cool idea post it here.

This is my first attempt at blogging so forgive if I am not "doing" it right.  I am a fast learner so hang in there.  I own my own business and work in the field of interior design with both residential and commercial clients. I love the combo of Artist and Techie!   

This blog is going to contain many subjects - everything from cool design ideas, products and links, craziness on the job -ie working as a woman in a male arena - construction & contractors,  cooking- I like to cook (mostly healthy)  , travel,  ALSO - I am a mother of 3.  "Kiddo" is 22 and an architecture student-living on hummus,   "Ash" is 19 and due to have my first gran-babygal in about 6 weeks, she is cute as a button, and then there's "Jaimsy" the baby-16 and just got her drivers license.

8 pm...I just got a call from one of my partners...funny thing is I was bored and trying to remember if there was anything on tv tonight and then the call came-  9:00 - Bravo TV - the new season of "Flipping Out",  AHhhh  Should be fun!

I am an LA gal living in Wisconsin,  you know the biggest news of the day is Brett Favre!  Playing with the Vikings... My secret is that I don't watch football.  I grew up watching "This Old House"  I think I'll never fit in ( maybe that's okay) :)

So as I close for now this is my design therapy fav for the day is the Ikea Glenn stool pictured above.  One of their new items... I'm lovin a little navy right now!  

Wanna know more?